Remote Healthcare System

We are providing a solution in the stream of healthcare, consider remote conditions, where doctors are not available, install RHS and it will help patients to get themselves checked at those machines. It is as simple as withdrawing cash. A doctor will be controlling the machine remotely with a controlled environment to cure basic diseases. RHS is a revolution to remote healthcare services in the upcoming world.

RHS (Remote Healthcare System) is patent technology of Aapagteq. There is no such direct competitor in the market. Ray Goforth

Over the past 7 years we've worked with some Legal Pharmacy, Individual Clinic/ Doctors, Govt. Hospital/PHC, Clinic with Pvt. Hospital and even Fortune 100 companies.

Why should be need

Indian Healthcare System is fragile. Hospitals are over crowed. In rural areas healthcare system is in poor condition. This is the time for us to rise. Everyone looking for a product like RHS. Government and private sector started investing on Healthcare.

Centralized Healthcare System

India's current healthcare system is centralized and focused on urban area. 69% population lives in rural area, where the healthcare system is in poor condition.

Over stretched Hospitals

Rural residents need to travel for health facilities in urban areas. Today, the number of registered medical practitioners is 840,130. which means 1 doctor over 1547 people. Which results over stretching of hospitals and long queue in OPDs.


Covid-19 remains until no vaccine arrives. Doctors have to prevent direct contact with patients. And Temperature testing is not enough.

Our Advantages

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We are not just making a machine but a healthcare infrastructure where doctor can examine the patient remotely.


We take real time patient health data with advance electronic sensors and provide to the doctor.


Advance Robotic camera installed on the machine. Doctor can control the camera to examine the patient.


Doctor can prescribe the medicine and patient can collect the medicine from dispenser. Data will store as EMR.


We are not only developing a machine but a infrastructure for the healthcare system.


Everyone looking for a product like RHS. Government and private sector started investing on Healthcare.